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How To Make A Flexible Inventory System In Unreal Engine

How To Make A Flexible Inventory System In Unreal Engine

Creating a flexible inventory system in Unreal Engine (UE) is essential for many games, from action-adventures to role-playing games (RPGs), and even first-person shooters (FPS). 

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A well-designed inventory system can be used to manage items, weapons, resources, or any other object in a game world. In this guide, we'll walk through how to make a flexible inventory system in Unreal Engine, covering key components like data structures, user interface (UI), item management, and system flexibility. We’ll use Blueprints for most of the implementation, but the concepts are equally applicable in C++.

1. Planning the Inventory System

Before diving into UE, it’s important to plan out how the system should work. A flexible inventory system should:

  • Allow adding, removing, and organizing items.
  • Support different types of items (e.g., consumables, equipment, resources).
  • Provide functionality for inspecting or using items.
  • Be extendable for future requirements, such as stacking items, drag-and-drop, item durability, or crafting.

2. Designing the Item Data Structure

The foundation of any inventory system is the item structure. You’ll need to decide how to represent items in the game. In UE, we’ll use a Data Asset or a Blueprint Class to define items.

  1. Create a Base Item Class:

    • In UE, you can create a new Blueprint class that inherits from Object or Actor. For a flexible system, it’s better to create a non-Actor class (e.g., an Item class inherited from Object), so it can represent items independently from the game world.
    • Define variables for item properties like:
      • ItemName: The name of the item.
      • ItemDescription: A short description.
      • ItemIcon: An image for the item’s UI.
      • ItemType: A custom enumeration (Enum) for different types of items (e.g., Consumable, Weapon, Quest Item).
      • MaxStackSize: For stackable items, define a maximum stack size.

    Here's how to create the Item class Blueprint:

    • Right-click in the Content Browser, choose Blueprint Class, and select Object.
    • Name it BP_Item.
    • Add variables like ItemName, ItemDescription, ItemIcon, and ItemType.
  2. Create Item Child Classes:

    • Create child Blueprints from BP_Item for specific item types (e.g., BP_Weapon, BP_Consumable).
    • In each child class, you can define special behaviors and properties. For instance, weapons can have damage values, while consumables can have healing properties.

3. Setting Up the Inventory Data Structure

Now that we have item definitions, we need a way to manage them in an inventory. For a flexible system, we’ll create an array that holds items and allows interaction.

  1. Create an Inventory Component:

    • Components in UE are reusable objects that can be added to any Actor. We'll create an InventoryComponent to store and manage items.
    • Create a new Blueprint Class, this time inheriting from ActorComponent. Name it InventoryComponent.
  2. Define Inventory Variables:

    • Open the InventoryComponent and define the following variables:
      • Inventory: An array of BP_Item objects (or a struct if you want to add more complex data, like item quantities).
      • MaxInventorySize: A numeric value to limit how many items can be stored.
  3. Inventory Management Functions: To make the system flexible, we’ll add core functions for managing the inventory:

    • AddItem: This function should check if the inventory has space and then add the item. If the item is stackable, it should combine with an existing stack.
    • RemoveItem: This function removes a specific item from the inventory.
    • UseItem: This function allows the player to use or equip an item.

    In the Blueprint graph of InventoryComponent, create these functions and implement the logic for adding/removing items based on conditions like available space or stackability.

4. Setting Up the User Interface (UI)

A good inventory system requires a clear and functional UI for the player to interact with. We’ll use UE’s Widget Blueprint system to create a dynamic inventory interface.

  1. Create a Main Inventory Widget:

    • In the Content Browser, right-click and create a User Interface > Widget Blueprint. Name it WBP_Inventory.
    • Design the layout using a grid or list to display inventory slots. Each slot will represent one item in the inventory.
    • Add a ScrollBox or UniformGridPanel for displaying items.
  2. Creating Inventory Slot Widgets:

    • To keep the system modular, we’ll create a separate widget for each inventory slot.
    • Create another Widget Blueprint and name it WBP_InventorySlot.
    • Inside this widget, add an Image for the item icon and a Text block for the item name or quantity.
    • In the Designer view, you can style the widget to make it look like an inventory slot.
  3. Populating the Inventory:

    • Go back to the WBP_Inventory widget and in the Graph, add functionality to dynamically populate the grid or list with items from the player’s InventoryComponent.
    • Use the CreateWidget node to instantiate WBP_InventorySlot for each item in the inventory, passing in the item’s data (e.g., icon, name, and quantity).
  4. Adding Interactions:

    • Add event bindings to the inventory slots, allowing players to inspect, use, or discard items when clicked.
    • To make the system more advanced, you can add drag-and-drop functionality, so players can rearrange items in the inventory by dragging slots around.

5. Making the System Flexible

Flexibility is key when designing an inventory system, as it needs to adapt to various game scenarios. Here are some ways to add flexibility to your system:

  1. Stackable Items:

    • In your InventoryComponent, check if an item can be stacked when added. If the item is already in the inventory and is stackable, increase the stack count instead of adding a new item.
  2. Multiple Inventory Types:

    • Create different inventory types for different use cases. For example, you might have a player inventory, a chest inventory, and a merchant inventory, each with different capacities or rules.
    • You can do this by creating multiple InventoryComponent Blueprints and adjusting their behavior accordingly.
  3. Dynamic Inventory Size:

    • Make the inventory size dynamic, so players can upgrade their storage capacity over time. This can be as simple as adjusting the MaxInventorySize variable in your InventoryComponent.
  4. Saving and Loading Inventory:

    • Use UE’s SaveGame system to store and retrieve the player’s inventory when the game is saved and loaded.
    • Serialize the Inventory array in the InventoryComponent and save it to a SaveGame object.
  5. Custom Events and Blueprints for Specific Items:

    • You can add custom behaviors to items by overriding functions in item-specific Blueprints (e.g., a weapon item could have a special attack, or a potion could heal the player).
    • Each item can have custom functions that are called when the player uses them, providing endless possibilities for item functionality.

6. Testing and Refining the System

Once the core system is in place, it’s time to test it within the game. Make sure to:

  • Test adding/removing items.
  • Check that stackable items behave as expected.
  • Ensure that items display correctly in the UI.
  • Test edge cases, like what happens when the inventory is full.

After testing, refine the system based on gameplay needs. For example, you may need to adjust how items are categorized or add additional features like sorting or filtering items.


Building a flexible inventory system in Unreal Engine involves several components, from defining item structures to creating an intuitive UI for item management. The key to success is to make the system modular and adaptable, so it can grow with the needs of your game. By following the steps above, you’ll have a robust inventory system that can handle a wide range of gameplay scenarios while remaining easy to extend and customize.

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