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Unity - Beginner Level Build a Game from Start to Finish

Unity - Beginner Level Build a Game from Start to Finish

We will be building a small action RPG still game using a small mouse named Tombo. This course will teach you terrain designing, animations, UI, ...

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 Sure! Building a game from start to finish in Unity involves several steps:

  • Setting up your project: Open Unity and create a new project. You can choose a location to save your project and give it a name.
  • Setting up your scene: A scene in Unity is a level or environment in your game. You can create a new scene by going to "File > New Scene" in the top menu.
  • Adding objects to your scene: You can add objects to your scene by using the "Hierarchy" panel on the left side of the Unity editor. To add an object, click the "Create" button at the top of the panel and select the type of object you want to create. You can also import models, textures, and other assets into your project by going to "Assets > Import Package" in the top menu.
  • Adding behaviors to your objects: You can add behaviors to your objects by using scripts. To create a new script, right-click in the "Project" panel on the right side of the Unity editor and select "Create > C# Script." You can then attach the script to an object by dragging it from the "Project" panel onto the object in the "Hierarchy" panel.
  • Building and testing your game: Once you have added objects and behaviors to your scene, you can test your game by clicking the "Play" button at the top of the Unity editor. You can also build your game for other platforms by going to "File > Build Settings" in the top menu and selecting the platform you want to build for.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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