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Version Control Perforce using Unreal Engine 5 & 4


Version Control Perforce using Unreal Engine 5 & 4

Never lose your progress, always have a BACKUP Mastering Perforce for Unreal Engine Development UE4 and UE5

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Version control systems (VCS) are critical for managing the collaborative development of any project, especially in game development, where large teams work on various aspects of a project simultaneously. Unreal Engine, one of the most popular game engines, supports multiple version control systems, with Perforce being a prominent choice due to its ability to handle large binary files and complex workflows common in game development.

In this guide, we’ll explore how to use Perforce for version control in Unreal Engine 4 and 5. We’ll cover topics such as setting up a Perforce server, configuring Unreal Engine to work with Perforce, best practices for managing assets, and some troubleshooting tips.

Why Perforce?

Perforce (Helix Core) is a centralized version control system (VCS) known for its ability to handle large files and its robust branching capabilities. Unlike Git, which is distributed and may struggle with large binary assets typical in game development, Perforce excels in scenarios where binary assets such as textures, animations, and models are part of the workflow.

Some key advantages of using Perforce with Unreal Engine include:

  1. Handling large files: Perforce’s architecture is designed to manage large binary files, which is essential in game development, where assets can be gigabytes in size.
  2. Locking files: In collaborative environments, file locking prevents multiple team members from editing the same file simultaneously, reducing conflicts.
  3. Efficient branching and merging: Branching in Perforce is straightforward, making it easier to manage different versions of a project, such as feature branches, release branches, or hotfixes.

Setting Up Perforce for Unreal Engine

1. Installing the Perforce Server

The first step in using Perforce for version control is setting up a Perforce server. The server hosts the repository, known as the depot, where all files and version histories are stored.

  • Download and install the server: You can download the Perforce Helix Core server from the official Perforce website. It supports multiple platforms, including Windows, Linux, and macOS.
  • Configure the server: After installation, you’ll need to configure your Perforce server by setting up the workspace (where files are synced and worked on) and users (who can access the server). You can do this using the P4V visual client, which offers a graphical interface to manage users, depots, and workspaces.

2. Creating a Depot

A depot is a storage location where your project files are saved. In P4V:

  • Go to Tools > Administration > Depot.
  • Create a new depot and specify its type. For Unreal Engine, you will mostly work with local depots where files are stored on the Perforce server.

3. Setting Up a Workspace

The workspace is a local copy of the depot that you can modify and sync with the Perforce server. Each team member working on the project should have their own workspace.

  • Create a new workspace by selecting New Workspace from the Workspace tab in P4V.
  • Map the depot to a local folder where Unreal Engine projects will reside.
  • Configure the workspace to include only the files you need, such as specific branches or parts of the project.

Configuring Unreal Engine with Perforce

Once your Perforce server is set up, the next step is configuring Unreal Engine (UE4 or UE5) to work with it. Unreal Engine has built-in support for Perforce, so integrating the two is straightforward.

1. Enabling Perforce Source Control in Unreal Engine

  • Open your Unreal Engine project.
  • Go to Edit > Editor Preferences.
  • In the Source Control section, select Perforce from the dropdown menu.
  • Enter the Perforce server information (address, port, user credentials) and connect to the server.

After connecting, Unreal Engine will sync your local workspace with the depot and start tracking changes.

2. Setting Up File Types for Unreal Engine

Unreal Engine works with a variety of file types, including assets, code, and configuration files. In Perforce, different file types have different behaviors:

  • Binary files: Most Unreal Engine assets (textures, models, animations) are binary files. Set these files to +l (exclusive checkout) in Perforce so only one person can work on them at a time.
  • Text files: Unreal Engine uses .ini configuration files and source code files (e.g., .cpp and .h for C++). These files should be marked as text files in Perforce and should not be locked for editing by a single user.

To ensure the correct file types are used, you can define file types for your workspace or depot using the P4 Typemap.

Best Practices for Using Perforce with Unreal Engine

To maximize productivity and avoid common pitfalls, it’s essential to follow best practices when using Perforce with Unreal Engine.

1. Regularly Sync with the Depot

It’s important to regularly sync your local workspace with the latest changes in the depot. In large teams, multiple people are working on different parts of the project, and syncing frequently ensures that you’re working with the latest assets and code.

In Unreal Engine, you can sync directly from the editor:

  • Go to the Source Control menu in the main toolbar and select Sync.

2. Use File Locking for Assets

File locking is essential when working with binary assets in Unreal Engine. Since binary files (e.g., textures, models, and animations) cannot be merged, it’s important to lock files before editing them to prevent conflicts.

In Unreal Engine, when you check out a file from Perforce, it is automatically locked for other users. Other users trying to modify the file will receive a notification that the file is locked.

3. Organize Your Assets

Keeping your assets organized in Perforce is crucial for avoiding confusion and maintaining project stability. Follow a consistent folder structure in your Unreal Engine project to keep assets, scripts, and configurations neatly separated.

For example:

  • /Content/Textures: Store all textures here.
  • /Content/Models: Store 3D models here.
  • /Content/Animations: Store animations here.
  • /Source: Store all C++ code here.

4. Branching for Features and Releases

In large Unreal Engine projects, multiple developers may be working on different features simultaneously. To manage this efficiently, use Perforce’s branching capabilities to create feature branches for each new feature or release.

  • Create a new branch for each major feature or update.
  • Merge the feature branches into the main branch after they are complete and have been thoroughly tested.

5. Automated Builds and Continuous Integration

To ensure the stability of your project, set up automated builds and continuous integration (CI) pipelines. Tools like Jenkins or TeamCity can integrate with Perforce and Unreal Engine to automate the build process and run tests on new changes.

A CI pipeline typically performs the following steps:

  1. Sync the latest code and assets from Perforce.
  2. Build the Unreal Engine project.
  3. Run automated tests.
  4. Report any build or test failures to the team.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

1. Connection Problems

If Unreal Engine cannot connect to your Perforce server, double-check the server address, port number, and your Perforce credentials. Make sure the Perforce server is running and that your firewall is not blocking the connection.

2. File Locking Issues

If you cannot check out or lock a file, it may already be checked out by another user. Use the P4V client to view the status of the file and see who has locked it. You may need to communicate with your team to coordinate file editing.

3. Resolving File Conflicts

If two users edit the same file (usually text files), Perforce will flag a conflict. You will need to resolve the conflict by choosing which version of the file to keep or by merging changes manually.


Perforce is a powerful tool for version control in Unreal Engine 4 and 5, especially for large-scale game development projects. By setting up a proper workflow, using file locking, regularly syncing changes, and organizing your project effectively, you can ensure smooth collaboration among your team members. Additionally, adopting best practices like feature branching and automated builds can significantly enhance your development process, allowing for more efficient management of large Unreal Engine projects.

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