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Build local LLM applications using Python and Ollama

Build local LLM applications using Python and Ollama

Learn to create LLM applications in your system using Ollama and LangChain in Python | Completely private and secure

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The rise of large language models (LLMs) like GPT, BERT, and others has transformed how applications are built. With these models, tasks like natural language processing, machine translation, code generation, and even conversational agents are becoming more accessible. While many LLMs are hosted in the cloud and accessed via APIs, there is a growing trend toward building and running these models locally for greater control, security, and flexibility. This is where tools like Ollama and Python come into play, offering a seamless environment for running LLMs on your machine.

In this guide, we will explore how to build local LLM applications using Python and Ollama. We’ll walk through the installation, integration, and some practical applications of these tools, enabling you to leverage the power of large language models locally.

1. Introduction to Ollama

Ollama is a framework designed for running machine learning models, including large language models, locally on your machine. It aims to provide an easy-to-use environment for both developers and researchers to interact with and run models without depending on cloud-based APIs. One of the key advantages of Ollama is that it is designed to be resource-efficient and highly customizable, enabling you to fine-tune and optimize models to meet your specific requirements.

For developers who want more control over their machine learning infrastructure or are concerned about data privacy when sending information to cloud providers, Ollama offers an excellent alternative. Since it runs locally, you don't have to worry about data leaks or relying on third-party services.

2. Setting Up Ollama

Before diving into the code, let's start by setting up Ollama on your local machine. Ollama supports multiple operating systems, including macOS, Windows, and Linux, making it a versatile option for developers across platforms.


To install Ollama, follow the steps for your operating system:

For macOS:

Ollama provides a direct package installer for macOS:

  1. Download the installer from the Ollama website.
  2. Run the .pkg file and follow the installation instructions.
  3. Once installed, you can access the ollama command from your terminal.
For Windows and Linux:

Ollama also provides installation instructions for Windows and Linux, which typically involve downloading a specific installer or using a package manager like apt or yum. Follow the instructions provided for your OS.

Once installed, you can verify the installation by running:

ollama version

You should see the installed version of Ollama, which confirms that the installation was successful.

3. Installing Python Dependencies

Next, you’ll need to set up Python. Since we will be integrating Python with Ollama, make sure you have Python 3.x installed on your machine. You can verify this by running:

python3 --version

If you don’t have Python installed, you can download it from the official Python website.

To interact with Ollama from Python, you’ll use the requests package to send HTTP requests and interact with the local Ollama server. Install the requests library using pip:

pip install requests

4. Running Local LLM Models with Ollama

Now that both Ollama and Python are installed, let's set up a basic local LLM application. Ollama provides a range of models that you can use directly, such as GPT-based models and other fine-tuned variations.

First, start the Ollama service locally by running:

ollama serve

This command will start a local server that can process requests and serve the LLM models.

Next, in Python, you can connect to the Ollama server and start making requests to the local model.

Example Python Code

Here’s an example of how you can interact with the Ollama server from a Python script:

import requests # URL for the local Ollama server url = "http://localhost:8000/generate" # Payload containing the input text and model type payload = { "model": "gpt3", # You can replace this with other supported models "prompt": "What is the capital of France?" } # Send request to the local Ollama server response =, json=payload) # Output the response if response.status_code == 200: print("Model Response:", response.json()['text']) else: print(f"Error: {response.status_code}")

In this example, we are using the GPT-3 model to generate a response to a simple query, "What is the capital of France?" The local Ollama server processes the request and returns the model's output.

You can replace "gpt3" with any other model supported by Ollama, such as custom-trained models or other LLM architectures.

5. Fine-tuning Models with Ollama

One of the benefits of using Ollama is the ability to fine-tune models directly on your local machine. Fine-tuning allows you to customize a pre-trained model to better suit specific tasks, such as answering domain-specific questions, generating unique content, or optimizing performance for your use case.

Ollama provides a command-line interface to fine-tune models:

ollama finetune --model gpt3 --dataset /path/to/dataset.csv

In this example, you would specify the pre-trained model (gpt3 in this case) and the dataset that you want to use for fine-tuning. The dataset could be a CSV file containing pairs of inputs and expected outputs, which the model will use to adjust its parameters.

Fine-tuning can take time and requires computational resources, so ensure your machine has sufficient memory and processing power. However, once the model is fine-tuned, you can serve it locally and use it in your applications.

6. Building Applications with Ollama and Python

Now that you have a basic understanding of how to interact with models locally, let’s explore a few practical applications where you can use Ollama and Python.

A. Chatbots

One of the most common applications of LLMs is building chatbots. With Ollama, you can create a chatbot that runs entirely on your machine, making it ideal for privacy-sensitive applications.

Here’s a simplified example of how you might implement a chatbot:

def chatbot(): print("Welcome to the local chatbot! Type 'quit' to exit.") while True: user_input = input("You: ") if user_input.lower() == "quit": break payload = { "model": "gpt3", "prompt": user_input } response ="http://localhost:8000/generate", json=payload) if response.status_code == 200: print("Bot:", response.json()['text']) else: print("Error occurred:", response.status_code) # Run the chatbot chatbot()

This chatbot interacts with the local GPT-3 model running on Ollama and responds to user input in real time.

B. Document Summarization

Another powerful application is summarizing large documents. With an LLM running locally, you can process text and generate summaries without sending sensitive documents to cloud-based services.

Here’s an example of summarizing text with Ollama:

def summarize_text(text): payload = { "model": "gpt3", "prompt": f"Summarize the following text:\n\n{text}" } response ="http://localhost:8000/generate", json=payload) if response.status_code == 200: return response.json()['text'] else: return "Error: Unable to summarize" # Example text document = "Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the world..." # Get summary summary = summarize_text(document) print("Summary:", summary)

7. Conclusion

Building local LLM applications using Python and Ollama opens up numerous possibilities, from enhanced data privacy to full control over model tuning and performance. By leveraging these tools, developers can create powerful, responsive applications without relying on cloud infrastructure. Whether you’re developing chatbots, summarization tools, or domain-specific language models, Ollama and Python offer the flexibility and power needed to bring your ideas to life locally.

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