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Create a Procedural Jigsaw Puzzle Mobile Game from Scratch


Create a Procedural Jigsaw Puzzle Mobile Game from Scratch

Take any image and turn it into an interactive, playable Jigsaw Puzzle! (Includes Photos taken from Camera)

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Creating a procedural jigsaw puzzle mobile game from scratch is a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. This guide will walk you through the process of developing such a game, from conceptualization to implementation, covering key aspects like procedural generation, user interface design, and deployment on mobile platforms.

Conceptualization and Planning

Game Concept

The core idea of a procedural jigsaw puzzle game is to generate puzzles dynamically rather than using a fixed set of images. This adds variety and replayability, as players will always face new challenges. The puzzles can be based on various themes, such as landscapes, animals, or abstract art.

Target Audience

Understanding your target audience is crucial. Jigsaw puzzles appeal to a wide range of ages, from children to adults. Ensure the game has adjustable difficulty levels to cater to different skill levels.

Platform Selection

The game will be developed for mobile platforms, primarily Android and iOS. These platforms are chosen due to their widespread use and the growing popularity of mobile gaming.

Technical Requirements

Development Environment

Choose a game engine that supports mobile development and has robust tools for procedural generation. Unity is a popular choice due to its versatility and strong community support.

Programming Languages

C# is the primary programming language for Unity. Familiarity with this language and the Unity API will be necessary.

Tools and Libraries

  • Unity: The main game engine.
  • Photoshop/GIMP: For creating and editing images.
  • Procedural Generation Libraries: For generating puzzle pieces dynamically.
  • Mobile SDKs: For Android and iOS development.

Procedural Generation

Image Selection

The game will need a diverse collection of images. Use public domain images or create your own. For procedural generation, ensure the images are high-resolution to maintain quality when divided into pieces.

Puzzle Piece Generation

The core of the game is the procedural generation of puzzle pieces. This involves:

  1. Image Slicing: Dividing the selected image into a grid based on the chosen difficulty level.
  2. Edge Shaping: Creating unique edges for each piece. This can be done by applying a random perturbation algorithm to the edges, ensuring each piece fits uniquely with its neighbors.

Implementing Procedural Generation in Unity

  1. Load Image: Load the selected image into a texture.
  2. Create Grid: Divide the image into a grid of rectangles based on the difficulty level.
  3. Generate Edges: Apply random perturbations to the edges of the rectangles to create unique jigsaw pieces.
  4. Create Meshes: Convert the rectangles with modified edges into mesh objects.
  5. Assign Textures: Apply the corresponding section of the original image as a texture to each mesh.

Difficulty Levels

Implement different difficulty levels by adjusting the number of pieces:

  • Easy: 3x3 or 4x4 grid.
  • Medium: 6x6 or 8x8 grid.
  • Hard: 10x10 or higher grid.

User Interface Design

Main Menu

The main menu should include:

  • Start Game: Begin a new puzzle.
  • Select Difficulty: Choose the difficulty level.
  • Options: Adjust settings like sound, language, and theme.
  • Help: Instructions on how to play.

Puzzle Screen

The puzzle screen is the main gameplay area:

  • Puzzle Area: Display the puzzle pieces and the board.
  • Sidebar/Menu: Include options like shuffle, hint, and quit.
  • Timer: Optional feature to track how long it takes to complete the puzzle.
  • Progress Indicator: Show the percentage of the puzzle completed.


Implement intuitive touch controls:

  • Drag and Drop: To move pieces.
  • Pinch to Zoom: For adjusting the view.
  • Double-Tap: To rotate pieces if the game includes rotation as a feature.

Game Logic

Piece Placement

Ensure that pieces snap into place when they are close to their correct position. This involves collision detection and possibly a snapping function that aligns pieces perfectly when they are near their correct spot.

Hints and Assistance

Provide hints to help players if they are stuck. This could be implemented as a highlight of a piece's correct location or a temporary display of the completed puzzle.

Scoring System

Implement a scoring system based on:

  • Time Taken: Faster completion results in a higher score.
  • Moves Made: Fewer moves can increase the score.
  • Hints Used: Using hints might reduce the score.

Sound and Music

Background Music

Choose relaxing background music that fits the theme of the game. Ensure the music is not distracting.

Sound Effects

Include sound effects for:

  • Piece Placement: A satisfying click sound when a piece is placed correctly.
  • Errors: A subtle sound for incorrect placements.
  • Hints: A gentle sound when a hint is used.

Testing and Debugging


Conduct extensive playtesting to gather feedback on gameplay, controls, and difficulty. Test with a diverse group of players to get a wide range of perspectives.


Identify and fix bugs related to piece generation, placement, and user interface. Pay special attention to edge cases where pieces might not align correctly.


Android Deployment

  • Build and Test: Use Unity's build settings to create an Android APK. Test on various Android devices to ensure compatibility.
  • Google Play Store: Prepare the game for submission by creating a developer account, preparing promotional materials, and following Google's guidelines.

iOS Deployment

  • Build and Test: Use Unity's build settings to create an iOS build. Test on various iOS devices.
  • App Store: Prepare the game for submission by creating an Apple developer account, preparing promotional materials, and following Apple's guidelines.



Regularly update the game with new images, themes, and features based on player feedback.

Community Engagement

Engage with your community through social media, forums, and in-game events. Listen to player feedback and continually improve the game.


Consider monetization strategies like:

  • In-App Purchases: For additional themes or hint packs.
  • Advertisements: Implement ads in a non-intrusive manner, such as offering rewards for watching ads.


Creating a procedural jigsaw puzzle mobile game from scratch involves a blend of creativity and technical skill. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can develop a game that is engaging, challenging, and enjoyable for a wide audience. The key is to focus on the core gameplay mechanics, ensure a smooth user experience, and continually iterate based on player feedback. Happy coding!

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